We are closed for the holidays

Our dental practice is closed from December 24th, 2021 up to and including January 7th, 2022.

Since Christmas 2021, the individual dental practices no longer provide an emergency service. The Stuttgart-Mitte emergency service center, Schlossstr.  74 , handles all emergencies.

The usual opening times of the emergency service center are:

Mon – Thu from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the following day

on weekends from Fri 8:00 p.m. to Mon 6:00 a.m.continuously

Registration by telephone is not required.

Aktuelles von Oxidio Dr. Winkelmann, der Zahnarztpraxis in Gärtringen bei Stuttgart

Call for hair donation

How to Do Good with a Haircut

Do you remember our little OXIDIO mascot Charlee? Maybe you’ve already seen her smiling face on our social media channels. The daughter of our colleague Lena has never been afraid of the dentist – thanks to the empathetic team at our practice. Now Charlee has proven how much she herself cares about other people’s well-being.

When her grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer, Lena explained to Charlee what this meant and that children can get cancer as well. Charlee was really affected and at the same time, she wanted to help. What can an seven-year-old girl do for another child who has cancer?

Charlee had very long hair and without hesitation, she decided to cut off her hair and donate it to a sick child. Together with her mom, she sent the thick braid to Helping Hair. Now, the wigmakers are creating a wig from Charlee’s hair and it will soon make another child happy.

At OXIDIO, we are very proud of Charlee and we think this truly is a good cause. Maybe you, your child, your long-haired friends or acquaintances are due for a haircut? Donating your hair is easy:

  • Get your hair cut at a partner salon; they will then send the donated hair to Helping Hair. There are also partner salons in in our area; but you can also cut the hair yourself.
  • Helping Hair makes a new wig, which is then given to a young patient through various children’s cancer organizations.

After all, it would be a shame to just throw away the cut hair when it can bring such joy to a person in need, don’t you think.

Neue Studie: Höheres Kariesrisiko bei Geschwistern Jedes halbe Jahr sollten Kinder ab sechs Jahren zum zahnärztlichen Check.

Cavities in siblings

New study: higher risk of tooth decay in siblings

Every six months, children from the age of six should have a dental check-up. This is particularly important if a child in the family has already had tooth decay, as a research team at the University of Basel has now found out.

The researchers examined 13,596 children between the ages of 4 and 15 – and for the first time also analyzed the connection between cavities in siblings. Their findings: The risk of tooth decay is 3.7 times higher in a child, if the oldest child in the family has had tooth decay. The smaller the age difference between the siblings, the higher the risk.

Only about half of the children examined were free of cavities – the Dentist Andreina Grieshaber would like to change that: „With these findings, preventive measures can now be used in a more targeted manner in affected families, so that we can come closer to the goal of freedom from cavities in children and adolescents.“

So, write down prevention on your calendar – especially if one of your children has already been diagnosed with tooth decay. You can also bring your child to us before they get their first tooth: This way they get used to visiting the dentist early and do not develop a fear of a dental visit. After all, prevention doesn’t hurt.

Source: Universität Basel